Inspired Optimists
We work with a variety of clients including corporate giants, fast-growth companies and individuals who want to Optimise their Performance.
“An inspirational presenter on leadership – he gives invaluable insights from his leading teams in the most challenging environments in the world and the world of sport, all applied with tremendous perception to the world of business. Highly informative, entertaining and insightful.“
“If you want to overcome adversity and be a winner, this is a great place to start!”
“Highly memorable and a lot of fun. The away day was time well invested in the development of yourself, the members of your team and your business.”
“Was great to have a session offsite, and the environment was amazing! Good to engage with colleagues in a different habitat which leads to different conversations and insights.”
“My coach has been great. His holistic approach has ensured that I see how all aspects of my life are affected by each other and helped me identify how I can pull those together to perform at my best.”
“Exceptional event experience with Optimist Performance. The team is fantastic to work with. Great communication, passionate about what they do and excellent event delivery. Top class events! Thank you!”
“Executive coaching ensures my long-term goals are front and centre of my thinking. The sessions refocus my mind away from the day-to-day to ensure that put all my actions into the context of what I want to achieve.”
“A brilliantly insightful session on leadership from those who have been there and done it. A must-have session for any organisation wanting to support current and future leaders.”
“Amazing mental journey to understand what kind of person and leader you are. The seminar is almost like ‘guided meditation (leadership)’ and was very retrospective and interesting!”
“Great connections and candour. The chance to challenge and reflect on how we are as a team and a company, and to be assured that we are all in this together.”
Inspired Optimists