by Ollie Phillips | 22 Aug, 2022 | News & Blog
It’s a scary fact that chronic stress is considered one of the leading causes of major disease. Contrary to the airbrushed and edited curations of Instagram influencers, life and work can be messy. Best laid plans can be brought down in seconds when life throws a...
by Ollie Phillips | 23 Aug, 2021 | News & Blog
Should the main focus of a coach be the performance or the person? Should a coach’s worth be measured only by the performance of the person they coach? The Tokyo Olympic Games has been an exhibition of examples that, in our opinion, help to demonstrate great...
by Ollie Phillips | 5 Jul, 2021 | News & Blog
Communication is vital for leaders in all kinds of organisations; how we talk to others, what we say, and how we say it really matters. But talking is just half of the communication process; the other half is listening. And to do so effectively, we need to practise...